Dog Man Spirituality
Dog Man and his arch-nemesis Petey the Cat are stuck in a cycle of fighting with each other until Petey creates a…
MoreDog Man and his arch-nemesis Petey the Cat are stuck in a cycle of fighting with each other until Petey creates a…
More“I hate them!” “That idea is so stupid!” “Who do they think they are, saying things like that?!” In a…
More“But mom,” wailed my daughter, “I wanted to put the glitter stars on the tree.” She collapses onto the sofa and…
MoreMy children delight in finding gifts to give extended family members. When their great aunt adored camel figurines,…
MoreThe winter holidays offer many opportunities for families to cook together. What might sometimes seem like drudgery -…
MoreChildren (and adults) often think first about food when they hear the word ‘Thanksgiving’. Turkey roasted,…
More“Hey, mom, should I do the porch next door too?” asked my eldest. We were shoveling snow around our house after…
MoreBased on an award-winning children’s book by Peter Brown, Dreamwork’s The Wild Robot is a beautifully animated…
MoreBread is a diet staple. It comes in many forms, from rye loaves and buttermilk biscuits to focaccia and tortillas.…
MoreAs children head back to school, anxieties about relationships rise. Some wonder whether friends from last year will…
MoreHopefulness is more than just a spiritual virtue and positive emotional state. Psychologists also view it as a…
MoreKindness is more than just a feeling. It’s a way of being in the world that requires paying close attention to other…
MoreWith the 2024 Summer Games about to kick off in Paris, children and adults are hyper-aware of how athletes look and…
MoreGratitude may seem like a natural attitude, but studies show it is primarily a skill that children learn from others.…
MoreWe often wonder what pets are thinking and feeling, especially when they do something that seems odd or silly. A cat…
MoreStudies show that around 65% of children develop imaginary friends (IFs) before they are seven. These sometimes quite…
More“You never listen to me!” complained my nine-year-old. She was trying to tell me about the antics of some of the…
MoreWhen we think of rituals, we often recall major life or religious events like weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar…
MoreMy daughter’s third grade teacher had a unique way of addressing her students when they felt discouraged. She would…
MoreChildren, like adults, vary in their attraction to spirituality. Some revel in many different kinds of experiences,…
MoreMy eldest child likes to figure out how things work. When she was three, she shocked our neighbor by explaining the…
MoreWhen my children were young, we played all kinds of imaginative games. Sometimes we took our cues from stories we had…
MoreEaster, like many holidays, is both a religious and cultural event. Some families focus on the Christian aspect, some…
MoreAfter weeks of endless (and often unkind) speculation, we now know: Princess Kate has cancer. She explains that she and…
MoreThe Kung Fu Panda movies are some of my kids' favorites. Together, we have watched Po grow from a noodle maker into a…
MoreWhen a friend’s daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, everyone around them was shocked and dismayed. We wondered how…
More“He made me feel bad!” wailed my son after telling me how a friend chose a different playmate at recess. “He…
MoreEvery year, my kids’ school does a Valentine fundraiser. Parents and grandparents can purchase pink and red…
MoreIt’s Black History Month once again in the U.S., when teachers and group leaders plan lessons celebrating African…
MoreMy refrigerator is covered in activity schedules, a recycling calendar, family photos, and children’s art. Anyone…
MoreDuring the Black Lives Matter protests of 2021, my home city (Richmond, VA) struggled with the legacy of several…
MorePeople of all ages make personal New Year’s resolutions. Adults resolve to be more patient, develop an exercise…
MoreFor many families, Christmas is - in whole or in part - a cultural rather than a religious holiday. And at the center…
MoreWhen my eldest was two, she asked if there would be “little meats” for Christmas. I was puzzled and tried…
MoreDuring the month of December, many Christian families retell the biblical Christmas story as part of their holiday…
MoreMovies and commercials often highlight traditional families and focus on the joys of being together. But real families…
More“Let’s go around the room and say something we’re thankful for,” says the teacher. “I’m thankful for apple…
More“No, no, no!” said the preschool teacher as she rushed over to a child threatening to hit a playmate. “It’s not…
MoreI’m watching a group of children prepare to act out a spiritual story. One child insists on taking the lead role, and…
MoreMy family moved when I was a child. For the first 6 months, I refused to call the new house ‘home’. I did not want…
MoreMoviegoers are sporting a special look this fall. Glittery shirts and jackets. Purple jerseys with the number 13 on the…
MoreMy children's elementary school had a student committee that planned service projects for every grade. Kids from…
MoreYom Kippur, the annual Jewish Day of Atonement, begins the evening of Sunday, September 24. It is a time for deep…
MoreMy daughter and her best friend met in 2nd grade. Their first weeks together were spent asking each other questions:…
MoreAs we were preparing to move from one state to another, my four year old fell apart. “Where’s my train, my bunny,…
MoreSchool buses are back on the streets and pumpkin spice lattes have returned to coffee shops. Children’s backpacks are…
MoreMy social media feeds have been flooded with ‘first day of school’ photos. Children stand holding signs proclaiming…
MoreChildren are often curious about differences. They wonder why someone has red hair instead of brown like them, or…
MoreChildren from several nations gather in a playroom while their parents learn English as a Second Language next door.…
MoreChildren don’t always get along. Like adults, they get angry with siblings and friends. They feel resentment and…
MoreBeing aware of one’s surroundings can be an important safety practice. We teach children to pay attention when…
MoreFairy tales can play a powerful role in children’s lives. Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen has morphed into…
MoreSometimes a story doesn’t need words to be powerful. That’s the case with Marta Bartolj’s Every Little Kindness,…
MoreBeing a small person in a big world can be overwhelming at times. Children may feel overshadowed by the adults around…
MoreI have a peach tree in my front yard. Some years, there are lots of peaches and we scramble to pick our share before…
MoreA few days ago, one of my children wanted breakfast for dinner, while another preferred Indian. The first argued that…
MoreWalking through the farmer’s market last weekend, I overheard a conversation between a coffee vendor and a customer.…
MoreSometimes when we talk about children, we focus on what kids can’t do: they can’t walk yet, or they can’t reach…
MoreOne summer, my kids and I planted a small garden. While our cucumbers and zucchini did well, our tomato plants…
MoreMarvel’s newest release, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3, focuses on Rocket’s origin story as Groot, Mantis, Drax,…
MoreSpirituality isn’t just a social, emotional, or cultural aspect of life. It’s also biological, passed from…
More“This is a story for Amelia,“ announced the adult leading storytime. “It’s a story for Marcus, and a story for…
MoreAfter 30 days of fasting, Muslim worldwide mark the end of Ramadan with Eid al Fitr, literally a festival of breaking…
MoreSix years ago, I visited Istanbul with two of my children. We were there during Ramadan, which meant we observed…
MoreRihanna’s Super Bowl LVII performance is trending on social media. Several reviewers place it in their all-time top…
MoreFor children, Valentine’s Day is more about friendship than romance. They’re generally eager to exchange valentine…
MoreMy son’s Montessori school had a ‘peace table’ where children could go to work out disagreements. On it were a…
More“10…9…8…7...6…5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year!” My family celebrated the start of 2023 with sparkling…
MoreWith her latest album sweeping the top 10 slots on Billboard’s Top 100 - a first for any artist - Taylor Swift is…
MoreAs fall crops are harvested and days grow shorter, many cultures and religions acknowledge the season with celebrations…
MoreWhen marketers want to learn about people, they collect data about them. They then use that information to improve how…
MoreLyle, Lyle Crocodile offers several big songs and dance scenes that will engage and excite young moviegoers. But…
MoreIn 3rd and 4th grade, I participated in an afterschool Kids Club organized by a neighborhood grandmother. I would walk…
MoreGrowing up, I was frequently told that good girls should be humble. I was expected to hide my intelligence and avoid…
MoreLess than 24 hours after Queen Elizabeth’s death, media outlets were carrying articles about ‘what to expect’ as…
MoreThe new Minions movie has much of the silliness you expect from the Despicable Me franchise. We watch as young Gru…
MoreAs long time fans of Toy Story, my children were excited to learn Buzz’s backstory. They watched as Buzz and Alesha…
MoreImagine a bag of candies with the power to bring your sofa to life and give voice to falling leaves. Would you want to…
MoreAs Covid-19 transmission risks soar again, concerns about the effects of masking and social distancing on relationships…
MoreDisney’s popular movie, Turning Red, has called attention to how children struggle with big emotions, especially…
More“Thank you.” Two simple words we teach children when they’re small and hope they will use often. Giving thanks…
More“Do you have a minute?” asked my daughter’s preschool teacher. “Of course,” I replied, “Is something…
MoreEvery year on April 22, more than a billion people take time to reflect on the earth and its importance for human…
MoreI started transgressing gender norms with my children when they were babies. I dressed them in colors and styles…
MoreChildren’s group leaders often wonder how much to share about their personal lives with young people. We…
MoreBo’s summer plans completely change when her mother moves into a Harlem brownstone with her fiance and another…
MoreFor a book lover like me, one bedtime story often turned into two or three as I tucked my young children in. But I…
MoreI have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. It's an opportunity to celebrate relationships with friends and…
MoreMy sisters and I often engaged in imaginative play when we were growing up. We came up with various pretend situations,…
MoreMy dad collected rocks his whole life. He particularly liked geodes: rocks that - when broken open - contained a hidden…
MoreA friend posts a snapshot of her three year old daughter on social media. Sonia* has her head bent over her mom’s…
MoreEncanto, Disney’s newest animated feature, tells the story of an extraordinary family. Once upon a time, Abuela…
MoreAn American celebration of Thanksgiving generally involves liberal helpings of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and…
MoreI am often so excited when I begin a new spiritual practice, I expect to see immediate benefits. In my enthusiasm, I…
MoreGetting to know the children with whom we work is essential. We learn their names and perhaps ask about their favorite…
MoreMy daughter returned from her third grade ‘Meet the Teacher’ with news she’d heard through friends: a boy in her…
MoreAs a new school year begins, many organizations are planning to welcome children back to in-person programs. But…
MoreMy second child would become easily overwhelmed as a toddler. If we were shopping at the mall, she would start crying…
MoreTalking with children seems simple enough, but effective communication is actually more complicated than we think. Our…
MoreFor many children, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of trauma, grief, and loss. Even if children have come through…
MoreValuing who we are and respecting others’ identities are crucial to spiritual wellbeing. Every child wants to be seen…
MoreAs I left the gym, I overheard a mother tell her young son, “We need to get home right now and get snacks together…
MoreSibling squabbles were a daily part of life when my children were preschoolers. They erupted when one child would steal…
MoreOne of my favorite preschool parenting moments was watching my children chase fireflies around our backyard on a summer…
MoreIn Wonder Woman 1984, young Diana, Amazon princess of Themyscira, desperately wants to win a competition. She is in the…
MoreOver the past year, teachers, therapists, librarians, and others have created virtual rooms with bitmoji to engage…
MoreAs we slowly move back to regular in-person contact, part of a new normal will likely include virtual presence for many…
MoreThe other day, my tween son and I were talking and laughing as we sorted through piles of nursery artwork I have stored…
MoreDr. Eugene Roehlkepartain has noticed that when adults say relationships with kids matter, they really mean parents…