Raising Spiritual Kids

I hope in hallways and
parking lots you can take
A moment to breathe
To loosen your shoulders
And know it is okay
To not know everything.

– Morgan Harper Nichols

Are you struggling to talk about BLM with your kids? Do you feel helpless when your child throws a tantrum? Have you wondered how to interact with imaginary friends? You want to raise spiritual kids; kids who have inner purpose and an outward calling to do justice. But you’re not sure where to start.

We’ll equip you with data-driven content for braving tough conversations and exploring your child’s imaginative world. Together, we’ll learn to ignite our children’s spiritual passions and encourage ethical actions.

  • Kids, Eco-Anxiety & Gardens

    Heat domes that elevate temperatures to unsafe levels and spark wildfires. Fierce hurricanes and tropical storms that flood homes.

    Encouraging Future-Mindedness

    “I’m going to be a programmer when I grow up,” said my 10-year-old daughter. She had just checked out several books on computer languages from our local library.

  • How Music Helps Kids Connect with Others

    We are a music-loving family. All three children eagerly participated in recorder lessons in elementary school and one wrote her own recorder music.

    Helping Kids Feel Important

    “You never listen to me!” complained my nine-year-old. She was trying to tell me about the antics of some of the boys in her Spanish class while I was trying to start a load of laundry and clean up the kitchen.

  • How Uncertainty Encourages Wonder

    My youngest child really disliked surprises when he was a preschooler. He wanted everything to go as expected. If he needed to navigate a new situation,

    Three Components of Hope

    My daughter’s third grade teacher had a unique way of addressing her students when they felt discouraged. She would quote the first line of an Emily Dickinson poem: “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers…”.
