About Us
Hi! We’re so glad you’re here. At Real Kids Real Faith, raising kids can overwhelm us, but it also makes us belly laugh on the regular. We’ve taught bike riding, personal hygiene basics, and how to make a bed, all in the same morning. We’ve also struggled to explain a hamster’s death to a 5 year old and the reasons we need to move again.
Somedays, we’ve wanted to give up, but brief moments of joy overtake us: glimpsing our child’s crayon drawing, snuggling together before bed, walking slowly down the street collecting ‘treasures’, and watching our toddler discover ketchup. We’re struck by our kids’ ability to compose songs about ANYTHING, and how they ask big questions at the most inopportune times.
Along the way, we’ve wrestled with our own spiritual journeys. We’ve had powerful experiences that shape us, but we know that, just like our kids, we’re still in process. So, as we see the challenges children face, we’re reimagining problems as possibilities. We want what you want, a real faith to sustain kids – all kids.