Posts tagged: Difference

Learning about Relationships with The Wild Robot

Based on an award-winning children’s book by Peter Brown, Dreamwork’s The Wild Robot is a beautifully animated…


Exploring Neurodivergence with Good Different

When my daughter was four, she came home from school and told me that we could no longer show our teeth when we smiled.…


Building Connections through Magical Gifts

As children head back to school, anxieties about relationships rise. Some wonder whether friends from last year will…


Community-Building with Our Pool

Growing up in Oklahoma and Texas, summers were hot. My siblings and I loved nothing more than to head to our local…


Affirming Neurodiversity

I was recently invited to talk with a group of interns working in non-profit settings with kids. One noted that he had…


Different Kinds of Curiosity

My eldest child likes to figure out how things work. When she was three, she shocked our neighbor by explaining the…


Books for Women’s History Month

I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads, ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’. It’s a reminder to myself…


Valentine Spirituality

Every year, my kids’ school does a Valentine fundraiser. Parents and grandparents can purchase pink and red…


Guided Meditation: Food Insecurity

“Mom, I’m hungry, and there’s nothing to eat!” my 10 year old wailed while staring into a well-stocked…


National Coming Out Day

My sister was 18 when she came out. It was a chaotic time in my family of origin, with lots of tears, threats of…


Making Belonging a Priority

Three weeks after my middle child started third grade, she was so anxious and upset that she couldn’t concentrate on…


Resisting Bias with Brian the Brave

Children begin learning about differences at a young age. Figuring out how to categorize things is one of the ways they…


Dreaming with Dreamers

Dreamers, by Yuyi Morales, follows a mother and her young child as they immigrate to the United States and begin to…


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Spirituality

My kids used to grab paper and pens and create their own comics. Their scratchy designs would tell stories about their…


Building a Strong Image of Children

Sometimes when we talk about children, we focus on what kids can’t do: they can’t walk yet, or they can’t reach…


Connecting with Nature through Apple and Magnolia

One summer, my kids and I planted a small garden. While our cucumbers and zucchini did well, our tomato plants…


Using Books as Spiritual Mirrors & Windows

As a preschooler, my daughter loved Don and Audrey Wood’s The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big…


Encouraging Empathy When It’s Hard

Holiday shows play on our sense of connection to beloved characters. Kids who have been left out or bullied know how…


Cultivating Intellectual Humility

“Saying something doesn’t make it so.” My grandmother would issue this reminder whenever my siblings or I would…


Getting to Know Children Better

When marketers want to learn about people, they collect data about them. They then use that information to improve how…


Talking with Kids about the Reversal of Roe v. Wade

Since the Supreme Court decision last month striking down Roe v. Wade, the news is full of stories about what the…


Exploring Miss Quinces

Summer can often be a time of celebrations and reunions as family members and friends travel to see one another. In Kat…


Exploring Gods & Grief with Thor: Love and Thunder

My family rarely misses a Marvel movie, and the new Thor: Love and Thunder is no exception. In his typical oblivious…


Imaginative Play & Spirituality

“Do you have a minute?” asked my daughter’s preschool teacher. “Of course,” I replied, “Is something…


Empathy Maps

Getting to know the children with whom we work is essential. We learn their names and perhaps ask about their favorite…


Exploring Spiritual Traditions through Objects

One of my grown daughters will only drink grape juice if she has bread to dip in it. It’s a throwback to her…


Addressing Diversity

Creating a supportive learning environment for all children is a goal held by many organizations. Yet how to accomplish…
