Posts tagged: Conversation

When Children Shoot Children

A 14-year-old Georgia teen brought a gun to school yesterday, killing two other students and two teachers. Eleven other…


Helping Kids Feel Important

“You never listen to me!” complained my nine-year-old. She was trying to tell me about the antics of some of the…


When Children Interrupt

Interruptions are an expected issue when working with children. Sometimes they want to tell us about their new pet or…


Living Black History Projects

It’s Black History Month once again in the U.S., when teachers and group leaders plan lessons celebrating African…


Holiday ‘Marker Talks’

Many of the children I teach come from households that celebrate multiple religious and cultural holidays. Others have…


Talking about the Israel/Palestine Conflict with Children

After the 9/11 terrorist attack, my four year old asked, “Mommy, were there children on those planes?” I responded…


Promoting Children’s Voices through ‘Grand Conversations’

One of my pet peeves with curricula for children’s programs is how teacher-directed most of the activities are. The…


Rihanna Spirituality

Rihanna’s Super Bowl LVII performance is trending on social media. Several reviewers place it in their all-time top…


Holiday Lights Scavenger Hunt

I love holiday lights! Strings of colored bulbs wrapped around trees, icicle lights hanging from rooftops and fences, a…


Developing Patience

“How many more days, mom? How many more?” Every December, my kids would be hyper-charged with excitement for the…


Taylor Swift Spirituality

With her latest album sweeping the top 10 slots on Billboard’s Top 100 - a first for any artist - Taylor Swift is…


Teaching Spiritual Discourse

One of parents’ greatest fears is that others will indoctrinate their children with ideas that don’t match their…


Visible Spiritual Thinking

My kids used to love puzzles that involved figuring out an unknown object from a close-up photo. They developed a set…


Talking about Ukraine with I Hate Borsch

Earlier this month, UNESCO added borsch, the national soup of Ukraine, to its list of endangered cultural heritage…


Building Rapport

As Covid-19 transmission risks soar again, concerns about the effects of masking and social distancing on relationships…


Talking with Kids about the Uvalde School Shooting

A school terrorized by an active shooter. A classroom of children injured and dead. Teachers killed trying to protect…


Setting Spiritual Goals

A few years ago, I taught a child who struggled with managing his emotions in group settings. He was unhappy about his…


Talking about the War in Ukraine

A refugee toddler’s body washed up face down on a beach. A police officer kneeling on a handcuffed Black man’s…


Spirituality & Black History

February is Black History Month, a time when parents, teachers, and the media share stories of African American civil…


Helping Children Understand Love

I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. It's an opportunity to celebrate relationships with friends and…


Reimagining Spiritual Education

Most of the time, we think of the global pandemic as a terrible time for children and learning. School closures, fights…


Guiding Questions for Pandemic Programming

Just when we thought it was safe to relax a little, the Omicron variant has swooped in and put pandemic debates in the…


Developing Spiritual Persistence

I am often so excited when I begin a new spiritual practice, I expect to see immediate benefits. In my enthusiasm, I…


Reflecting on Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

During quarantine, my family watched all of the Marvel movies in chronological order.  It was one of the few series…


Talking with Kids Under 10

Talking with children seems simple enough, but effective communication is actually more complicated than we think. Our…


Exploring Spiritual Traditions through Objects

One of my grown daughters will only drink grape juice if she has bread to dip in it. It’s a throwback to her…


Collective Spiritual Conversations

Often our interactions with children center around questions like “What did you learn? Or “How did that happen?”…


Children’s God Concepts

Regardless of whether your family’s spirituality is tied to religious ideas or a specific religious tradition, your…
