Posts tagged: Books

Wondering with Wonder Walkers

Research suggests that curiosity is both an innate human trait and a learned skill. The desire to learn more about our…


Choosing to Love with World of Wonder

Activism is often portrayed in the media as an angry response to injustice. But civil rights leader Valarie Kaur sees…


Appreciating Differences with The Truth About Dragons

In times of public divisiveness, children often turn to their families to decide how to think about differences. They…


Exploring Compassion with A Mystery in the Forest

As children, my next youngest sibling and I loved to ride our bikes together. Our six-year-old brother would beg to go…


Exploring Diverse Holidays with The House Without Lights

Holiday lights are a staple of many winter traditions. Solstice candles, Hanukkah menorahs, colorful Christmas strings,…


Stories for Cooking Together

The winter holidays offer many opportunities for families to cook together. What might sometimes seem like drudgery -…


Finding Comfort in I Am Not Afraid

Bedtime fears are a common childhood experience. Monsters under the bed or in the closet. Strange noises and shadows.…


Connecting with A River of Dust

Scientists who study the environment made an amazing discovery in the 1960s: the health of the Amazon forests depend in…


Looking Beneath with Kids

Everyone - young or old - have bad days. Days when it’s hard to get out of bed. Days when we don’t feel like…


Exploring Cicada Symphony with Kids

Every year, cicadas awaken from a long dormant period and dig their way out of the ground. The noisy clicking of the…


Community-Building with Our Pool

Growing up in Oklahoma and Texas, summers were hot. My siblings and I loved nothing more than to head to our local…


Exploring Self Image with What in the World is Wrong with Gisbert?

With the 2024 Summer Games about to kick off in Paris, children and adults are hyper-aware of how athletes look and…


Gender Identity & The Dress in the Window

“Paint my fingers and toes, too, mommy!” pleaded my four year old son. “I want to be sparkly like the girls!”…


Jitter Stick Spirituality

My kids have always been pretty good about settling down to do their homework. But after a half hour or so, first one…


Books for Women’s History Month

I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads, ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’. It’s a reminder to myself…


When Kids See Life as a Quest

My son jumped excitedly from foot to foot as he waited impatiently for the clock to strike midnight. Our local…


Winter Solstice Stories

For the Northern Hemisphere, winter officially begins on December 21st with the marking of the winter solstice. It’s…


Creating a Calming Corner

December can be an overwhelming month for kids. Seasonal changes prompt a shift in clothing and outdoor activities.…


Exploring Change with Where is Home, Daddy Bear?

My family moved when I was a child. For the first 6 months, I refused to call the new house ‘home’. I did not want…


Resisting Bias with Brian the Brave

Children begin learning about differences at a young age. Figuring out how to categorize things is one of the ways they…


Making Kindness a Goal

My social media feeds have been flooded with ‘first day of school’ photos. Children stand holding signs proclaiming…


Exploring Identity with Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers

Sexism, racism, and classism are hard concepts for children to understand. Kids have a strong bias toward fairness and…


Counting Kindness with Kids

Countless families and children become refugees when extreme poverty or violence force them to leave their homes. The…


Seeing Differences through Eyes that Speak to the Stars

Children are often curious about differences. They wonder why someone has red hair instead of brown like them, or…


Exploring Diversity & Community with Luli and the Language of Tea

Children from several nations gather in a playroom while their parents learn English as a Second Language next door.…


Dreaming with Dreamers

Dreamers, by Yuyi Morales, follows a mother and her young child as they immigrate to the United States and begin to…


Exploring The Coquíes Still Sing

I grew up in Oklahoma, where tornadoes are a common summer occurrence. My family would huddle in the basement as sirens…


Exploring The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess

Fairy tales can play a powerful role in children’s lives. Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen has morphed into…


Exploring Every Little Kindness with Kids

Sometimes a story doesn’t need words to be powerful. That’s the case with Marta Bartolj’s Every Little Kindness,…


Exploring the Goodness of Most People

Stranger danger lessons, active shooter drills - these experiences can teach children that others are to be feared.…


Exploring Values with The Good for Nothing Tree

I have a peach tree in my front yard. Some years, there are lots of peaches and we scramble to pick our share before…


Connecting with Nature through My Friend Earth

Learning about the seasons of the year is a common focus in many preschool and elementary programs.  My Friend Earth,…


Going on a Rainforest Adventure with Forest

Brendan Kearney’s Forest is part of a series that chronicles the adventures of fisher Finn and his dog, Skip. In this…


Exploring the Gift of Rain with Sidney the Lonely Cloud

Like generations of children before them, my kids would chant, “Rain, rain, go away,” whenever raindrops threatened…


Exploring Care for the Ocean with I Love You, Blue

My family lives close enough to the ocean that we can visit frequently. My children enjoy walking on the beach, playing…


Exploring Bad Days with Everything Will Be OK

Some days are just yucky. Things happen that children can’t control and don’t like. They might be little things,…


Exploring Fears with Bright Star

Fears are a part of childhood. Whether it’s worries about monsters under the bed, big dogs, loud noises, or parents…


Books for Earth Day

Americans have celebrated Earth Day since 1970, with other nations joining in beginning in 1990. The theme for 2023 is…


Talking about Lockdown Drills with One Thursday Afternoon

Lockdown (Active Shooter) Drills have become a staple of children’s lives. Schools and organizations build them into…


Exploring A Million Views

My daughter loves creating videos. Lego movies inspire stop-action Lego shorts.  Super Bowl halftime shows prompt…


Exploring Emotion with Crying is Like the Rain

Children’s feelings can shift and change rapidly. One minute a toddler is happily playing and the next they’re…


Using Books as Spiritual Mirrors & Windows

As a preschooler, my daughter loved Don and Audrey Wood’s The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big…


Exploring Loteria with Children

Daniel* wasn’t having much success lighting his campfire. Everything seemed stacked against him: too much wind, a…


Exploring People Are Wild with Children

“Do they bite?” asked Marcus* when we spotted a family of mule deer during a camping trip. Our group was excited…


Spiritual Themes in The Door of No Return

Lessons about slavery in the United States typically begin with life on a plantation in the American South.  This…


Exploring Emotions with The Coat

Hand-me-downs can be a dreaded necessity or longed-for acquisition. I remember being crestfallen when a neighbor passed…


Exploring Just Help! with Kids

How can children learn to build a better world? According to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the answer is in…


Exploring Community Justice with Unfadeable

In Unfadeable, Bella Fades is a fierce tween girl who loves her community and wants to see it thrive. Her strong belief…


Reading Small Town Pride With Kids

Small Town Pride stars a tween working to understand himself, change his community and gain autonomy over his own…


Exploring Miss Quinces

Summer can often be a time of celebrations and reunions as family members and friends travel to see one another. In Kat…


Talking about Ukraine with I Hate Borsch

Earlier this month, UNESCO added borsch, the national soup of Ukraine, to its list of endangered cultural heritage…


Reading What Do You Do with a Chance?

Taking chances is risky. Some children can’t wait to explore the unknown. Others prefer familiar structures and…


Identity Discussions with Alice Austen Lived Here

Sam and TJ have learned a lot about ‘Dead Straight Cisgender White Men’ in history. So when they have to research a…


Exploring Magic Candies with Children

Imagine a bag of candies with the power to bring your sofa to life and give voice to falling leaves. Would you want to…


Reading Simon and the Big, Bad, Angry Beasts

Disney’s popular movie, Turning Red, has called attention to how children struggle with big emotions, especially…


Taking Flight with The Year We Learned to Fly

Cultural and spiritual heritages are often passed on to new generations through stories and teachings by elders.…


Reading A Duet for Home

What can children do about a situation that seems unfair or unjust? How can they be allies? These are two of the…


Books for Earth Day

Every year on April 22, more than a billion people take time to reflect on the earth and its importance for human…


Exploring Ellen Outside the Lines

In their latest book, author A.J. Sass creates a neurodivergent main character (Ellen) who is negotiating changes in…


Chapter Book Spirituality with Preschoolers

When my children were babies, I would read aloud from whatever book I had at hand to sooth them when they were fussy.…


Exploring For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World

Like many parents, Michael W. Waters looked at his newborn son and thought him the most beautiful baby on earth. He…


Spiritual ‘projects’ with Operation Sisterhood

Bo’s summer plans completely change when her mother moves into a Harlem brownstone with her fiance and another…


Books Celebrating Black Identity

Children’s spiritual well-being depends, in part, on strong self-esteem. They need to see themselves as individuals…


Spiritual Storytelling with The Last Cuentista

For a book lover like me, one bedtime story often turned into two or three as I tucked my young children in. But I…


Exploring Where Wonder Grows

My dad collected rocks his whole life. He particularly liked geodes: rocks that - when broken open - contained a hidden…


Reading Fauja Singh Keeps Going

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the 3rd Monday in January reminds us that society needs strong leaders:…


Environmental Justice for Preschoolers

As global leaders gather in Glasgow to discuss climate change, one message is clear: environmental justice isn’t just…


Reading The Proudest Blue

Wearing hijab is a spiritual statement for Muslim girls and women. It is a sign of faith and a practice of…


Chapter Books about Refugees & Asylum Seekers

Older children often wonder about the reasons refugees and asylum seekers have left their homelands. They are able to…


Change Sings

Social change can be scary for children (and adults). Much of parenting young children involves teaching them to obey…


Picture Books about Refugees

With stories about refugees and immigrants frequently in the news, children are certain to wonder about why they’ve…


Welcoming Afghan Refugees

Many of the refugees airlifted to the U.S. out of Afghanistan last month are currently housed at Fort Lee in Virginia,…


Spiritual Story Books

My children love to read. From a young age, they knew that I would rarely deny their request to buy a book that caught…
