Exploring Teamwork with Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie

Preparing for a family get-together, I gave each child a different job. My youngest collected cups and my third scrubbed the sink. My oldest cleaned up the yard. Each brought their skills and abilities to help us get the house ready in time, using teamwork.

In Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie, the pups are excited to discover that they have superpowers. However, when a supervillain steals those powers, the pups have to pull together to save Adventure City. After you watch the movie, use these activities with younger children (ages 4-8) to reflect on identity and their connection with others.

Small helpers. Skye is the smallest pup and sometimes her size makes normal things, like getting into bed, difficult. However, Ryder says, ‘No pup is too small’ to help in their missions. Ask: How did Skye help, even though she is small? Invite children to name ways that being small can be useful, e.g., reaching into a small opening to retrieve a lost item or squeezing into a small space to comfort a scared pet. See if you can come up with at least 10 things.

Hurtful words. When she was little, other kids called Vee a ‘mad scientist’, which upset her. Say: Calling people names they don’t like can hurt their feelings. Imagine you are Vee. What would you like other kids to say about things you love to do? How would you feel when you heard them support you? Invite children to act out different scenarios, taking turns as Vee.

Special power. The pups’ crystals give them powers that highlight things they already do well. Rumble tells Ryder that it is like each pup is just ‘a little extra’. Ask: What is something that you are really good at? If you got a crystal, how could that ability become a special power?  Encourage children to draw a picture of themselves using their special power to help others. 

Teamwork dreamwork. To save their friend, the pups share their one remaining crystal, tossing it back and forth to access their special powers. Say: Teams use everyone’s abilities to work together toward a shared goal. Ask: What is something our family [group] wants to do to help our community [the environment, people who are hungry, kids in foster care]? What skills and abilities do we have? How could we use these things to team up and achieve our goal [make a difference]?

Shared power. At the end of the movie, the other pups give Skye their crystals so that she has enough power to destroy all of the meteors heading for Adventure City.  Use this guided meditation to help children practice sharing powerful feelings with others. Say: Close your eyes and breathe in slowly (pause), then out slowly. (pause) Imagine yourself sitting in a sunbeam. (pause) Feel the sun warm your body. (pause) Let your body relax. (pause) Imagine that you can become like the sun, shining sunbeams all around. (pause) Let your rays of light and warmth shine on your family. (pause) Watch their bodies relax. (pause) Shine your light and warmth on your friends. (pause) Watch them relax. (pause) Shine your light and warmth on everyone. (pause) Watch them relax, too. (pause) When you are ready, open your eyes. Invite children to share how they felt as they shared their light and warmth with others.



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