Posts tagged: Experiential

Exploring Cicada Symphony with Kids

Every year, cicadas awaken from a long dormant period and dig their way out of the ground. The noisy clicking of the…


Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude may seem like a natural attitude, but studies show it is primarily a skill that children learn from others.…


Pathways to Wonder & Awe

The first time I saw flying fish, I was overcome with amazement. They looked like silvery stars twinkling in the waves…


How Music Helps Kids Connect with Others

We are a music-loving family. All three children eagerly participated in recorder lessons in elementary school and one…


Herb Garden Spirituality

My son’s favorite plant in our garden is chocolate mint. He says it smells like a Girl Scout cookie. One of my…


Everyday Rituals

When we think of rituals, we often recall major life or religious events like weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar…


Jitter Stick Spirituality

My kids have always been pretty good about settling down to do their homework. But after a half hour or so, first one…


Kids’ Imaginations

When my children were young, we played all kinds of imaginative games. Sometimes we took our cues from stories we had…


Resolve to Learn Together

People of all ages make personal New Year’s resolutions. Adults resolve to be more patient, develop an exercise…


Practicing Calm

When my kids were little, getting everyone out of the house on time without tears or tantrums was a daily challenge.…


Movement Meditation: Justice

Children long to make a difference in the world around them. From their earnest commitment to fairness as preschoolers…


Movement Meditation: Empathy

Children don’t always get along. Like adults, they get angry with siblings and friends. They feel resentment and…


Movement Meditation: Wonder

Children learn pretty quickly that there are often right answers and wrong answers to the questions adults ask. Those…


Movement Meditation: Empowerment

Being a small person in a big world can be overwhelming at times. Children may feel overshadowed by the adults around…


Movement Meditation: Connection

Movements can be powerful teachers. Our bodies remember and repeat motions associated with specific practices, such as…


Using Movement to Reduce Trauma Responses

Numerous studies show that stress is on the rise among children. Some experts suggest that school closures and pandemic…


Exploring Emotion with Crying is Like the Rain

Children’s feelings can shift and change rapidly. One minute a toddler is happily playing and the next they’re…


Helping Children Appreciate Diversity

Cleaning out my daughter’s closet, I found a shadow box she constructed in 1st grade. She and a friend set out to…


Family Hygge

It’s snowing outside, and all anyone wants to do is bundle up in a blanket, sip hot chocolate, and read. Maybe…


Child-Led Spiritual Learning

As a child, I often was bored in school even though I loved to learn. I would quickly tune out adult monologues and rip…


Spiritual Exploration with the Webb Telescope

A friend's 5 year old daughter recently visited our local science museum, where she was mesmerized by the Webb…


Caring for the Earth Together

Blowing dandelion seeds, chasing fireflies, and watching caterpillars munch on milkweed - these were some of my…


A 5E Model of Spiritual Education

One of my eldest child’s favorite memories is a series of 5th grade class sessions where they explored scientific…


Spiritual Play with Bluey

My sisters and I often engaged in imaginative play when we were growing up. We came up with various pretend situations,…


Movement-Enhanced Learning

Several years ago, I was leading a holiday workshop and more kids than I expected showed up. There weren’t enough…


Yoga with Children

I keep returning to yoga practice in my adult life. It provides me with a space to be present in my body and helps me…


Spiritual Activities for Public Spaces

Children spend a lot of time in public spaces: shopping at grocery stores, waiting for buses, washing clothes at…


Guided Play

When it comes to educating young children, we’ve all heard that play is an important part of learning. And yet, when…


Children’s Spiritual Questions

“Mommy, why did Jennifer* get cancer?” This probing question from my nine year old daughter caught me off guard.…
